Wi-FI on VA Flights

Virgin America said all of its planes are now equipped with Wi-Fi service.

The Burlingame-based airline is using Aircell’s Gogo broadband in-flight internet service on all of its flights. Virgin said it will charge $12.95 for daytime flights over three hours, $9.95 for daytime flights of less than three hours, $5.95 for red-eye flights and $7.95 for handheld devices.

Virgin America is battling Seattle-based Alaska Airlines on routes up and down the West Coast.

Alaska Airlines, a unit of Alaska Air Group Inc. (NYSE:ALK), is testing for its Wi-Fi a different technology — a service from tech company Row 44. Alaska’s service, currently being tested in just one plane, uses satellite technology instead of broadband. This allows the Wi-Fi to be used on overseas service to Hawaii, as well as other locations where broadband isn’t available. Alaska hasn’t set prices yet for Wi-Fi service, nor has it said when it will roll out expanded service, other than saying it will install it in additional aircraft “in the coming months.”


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